Hello friends ....
introduce my name is novita indah but people around me often call me by the name Novi. I am a third semester student of tour and travel business study programme at Makassar tourism polytechnic.
This time I will tell about my experience during a field trip in one of the famous destinations in Barru district and Parepare City, namely in Dutungan Island and Paputo Beach (tonrangeng white sand beach)
on the first day I visited the dutungan island. dutungan island is a tourist attraction that is quite interesting to visit. the sea is really good, and there we can see directly the exotic scenery that is the beautiful underwater scenery, and we can enjoy the wahan and facilities available at this tourist spot. might be a reference place for a vacation for all of you. okay, get on with it. from my experience, it's better to visit this place in summer, when it's sunny this will look at sea conditions, it looks good, and the waves tend to be quite suitable for beach sports like diving and snorkeling. strategic location of course you will be addicted and interested in visiting again. Furthermore, from the access road, it can be said to be good because through a rather wide road, so that it can be reached by private car, motorcycle for public transportation can use a mini bus or travel. after that, proceed to cross to the island of dutungan by boat for 10 minutes.
on the second day I visited the tonrangeng white sand beach in the city of Parepere, the location is not far from the main road and to go to the beach location can be passed by public transportation with only 1 lane. This destination can be said to be quite interesting because besides being able to do beach sports there are many activities that can be done and also at this destination there can be held prewedding photos and wedding ceremonies and there is also a stage for live music. although still empty of tourists but this destination can be a choice of friends to visit the city of Parepare.
this is my experience during my field trip, that's all and thank you :)


8 Responses so far.

  1. More Cheerful your Blog Yah..

  2. Anonim says:


  3. Anonim says:


  4. Unknown says:

    Thank u..... Great 😊

  5. ItsmeRA says:


  6. Unknown says:


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